Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Tipping Point

Robert Dreyfuss thinks momentum is still on the side of those who wish to get out of Iraq.

John Warner, R.-Va., one of the Senate’s old bulls is chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and no neoconservative. As first order of business, Warned has announced plans to drag Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld onto the carpet for hearings on the mess in Iraq. Significantly, Warner warned that public opinion on Iraq is approaching the “tipping point,” after which support for the war in Iraq would no longer be sustainable. "The level of concern is, I think, gradually rising," he told The New York Times. "I don't see that the Congress is going to suddenly pull back like in the days of Vietnam. It is the desire of the Congress to continue to work with and support the administration. But there is always a
tipping point."

If have have ever felt like calling you Congressman or Sentator, this month would be a very good one. Also, consider making a contribution to a pol who represents your views on this issue.



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