Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Zionist Attack Dog

This piece by Zionist attack dog Ruth Wisse (linked below) is an example of the kind of smear and run campaign being orchestrated by the "Zionist reactionaries" in response to the Walt and Mearsheimer paper.

Ruth Wisse is the type who finds anti-Semitism under ever rock and in every corner, but never finds a hint of impure motive on the part of Zionists and other American supporters of Israel. Other people's motives are always in question, but the motives of Zionists are unquestionable.

The article puts forth a string of straw man arguments and then knocks them down one by one. For example, she claims that the Walt-Mearsheimer paper says cab drivers are part of a conspiracy, and that Walt-Mearsheimer argue that the US would have nothing to fear if not for the Israel lobby.

Problem is the paper says nothing of the sort. It mentions the specific entities that promote the interests of Israel in the US, and it never claims all the US foreign policy problems results from our support for Israel. Just many of the most pressing ones at this time.

So Wisse's accusations are completely fabricated. It is probably a lot easier, however, to argue against her own fabrications than against the actual points put forth in the document.

Just in case you don't get the hint, however, Wisse goes on to smear the paper by comparing it to various documents put out by the Third Reich. She also throws in the obligatory David Duke reference. Again, much easier to argue against David Duke and the Third Reich than against the paper itself.

The WSJ should be embarrassed to print such an article.

Wisse concludes that support for Israel is grass roots, and has nothing to do with AIPAC and Israel's other supporters. But, if Israel and its supporters really believed that then they would not have to lobby so hard, spend so much money, and attack so vigorously, would they?

Ruth Wisse


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wisse concludes that support for Israel is grass roots, and has nothing to do with AIPAC and Israel's other supporters. But, if Israel and its supporters really believed that then they would not have to lobby so hard, spend so much money, and attack so vigorously, would they?

I think that sums it up. If they thought it was grass roots, they wouldn't go to all this effort.

3/23/2006 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in the entertainment industry, i.e., Hollywood, for years. The demonization of Muslims by the entertainment industry is very deliberate because the Jews really do run Hollywood, and if you don't believe me take a gander at the Hollywood Creative Directory (the Yellow Pages of the entertainment industry)

And then we have the press ... ABC radio in Los Angeles, WABC, just allowed a radio host, Al Rantel, to compare Islam to a roach motel.

I'm not Muslim but I will be damned if I let the kids I love get killed for Israel and its US supporters.

3/24/2006 12:50:00 PM  

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