Thursday, June 02, 2005

Techniques to Silence Debate

Techniques to Silence Debate

Michael Scheuer wrote a piece "Toward a Sensible Israel Policy" a while back (March 22, to be precise). I is a good piece, but here is a passage that is worth a quote:

history holds few instances where an important area of foreign policy debate in a Great Power has been stifled by a small, faraway, and friendly country. Through magnificent lobbying efforts, suborning American citizens to serve as its spies, the negative impact of dual citizenship, and playing on unjustified U.S. feelings of guilt about the Holocaust – America and its allies, after all, utterly annihilated the Holocaust's perpetrators – Israel and its American supporters have made discussing the issue of Israel difficult and politically dangerous in the United States. A term that is never defined as "hate speech" is the epithet "anti-Semite," which is so often hurled at Americans by Americans to preempt debate on the U.S.-Israeli relationship.[Emphasis Added]

There is a lot of truth in this paragraph.

We have already seen the anti-Semite blast used against Pat Buchanan and Robert Novak on this blog. It is certainly a lot easier than debating the issues.

You can also see the groudwork being laid for finding anti-Semitic motivations for the Franklin investigation at the FBI.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Israeli Propaganda machine in full force in the United States. Average Americans made to swallow the disinformation unwittingly and unknowingly.

The links:

“The Israel-on-Campus-Coalition Resource Guide” [45 pages]:

The ‘Hasbara’ Handbook [131 Pages]

Communication Strategies. [3 pages]

Persuasion Strategies [17 pages]

AIPAC Briefing Book [Clickable Index]

Daily Hasbara News:

JINSA works to educate its 20,000 members, leading policy makers and the public at large about key policy initiatives and requirements.

Go to this link for more:

6/02/2005 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an awfully well written article here:

by a woman, a Jewish woman, that survived Nazi Germany.

She is giving some timely advise here, with well established credentials, yes?

"Why farang", you ask, "why are you posting this article from a Jewish woman here?" "You are the one not allowed to post at DKos because you don't refrain from using the "Z" word!"

Because, like this paragraph you took from the Shuerer article stipulates, there are those that attack me as "Anti-Semetic" (Indeed, doing their own impression of "diagnosing my bigotry" online, remotely!! Fristicators, I call'em) when I attempt to illuminate the foul stench arising from this allying of NeoCons and Zionists, and even the so-called "Christian Zionists", like that idiot Pat Robertson.

They swarm at me on DKos, totaling ignoring the content of my posts, refusing to address the articles and links, instead to conduct Ad Hominem attacks and setting up Strawmen of their own imagination.

To the point, sadly, that the label "Anti-Semetic" will soon be a badge of HONOR to me when it comes from those closet "liberals" that in reality are rabid rightwing Israel supporters.

I'm not allowing my two sons to go die for Israel lobbyists's wet dreams.

BUT! The MAIN POINT REMAINS the Neocons, of whatever religion, creed or race, are my enemy. And those that are allied with them. Period. The enemy of my country, I believe.

And those that oppose them, of whatever religion, creed or race, are my friends. Period.

And good people like this woman should be applauded and praised for speaking out in her adopted country.

That took courage, and strength. Good character.

You are correct. They are Nazis.

Thank you, Ma'am.

6/03/2005 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This same type of pressure is used to stop open debate on the holocaust dogma, too.

6/03/2005 04:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's "open debate" to call Israelis and their supporters racist.

It is "stopping debate" to call Israel bashers antisemites.

Interesting double standard.

I've seen another interesting tactic to stop debate that's used by racists. They will first complain how by being called racist, they are being silenced, and that you better watch out, because those accusations of racism are designed to distract from "the real issue." They then go on to make a blatantly racist argument, and when they are called on it, they'll say "see, they're attacking me and stifling debate."

As for farang, he is the joke of dkos. The kos community has a diverse range of opinion on the Israel/Palestine issues, and there is plenty of debate there. Farang's diaries, however, are recognized as racist even from those kos members who are harsh critics of Israel.

There is indeed a gorilla in the room, and it is the phenomenon of judeophobic bigotry that taints almost any discussion of Israel.

6/03/2005 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's "open debate" to call Israelis and their supporters racist.

Nope. Zionists are first and foremost, fascist land thieves. Ultra nationalists with an ideology hatched in northern Europe. The rabbis of the day warned against it. Some still do.

Israel has replaced God as an object of worship. It's, you know, a cult thing.

6/03/2005 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent essay by Gilad Atzmon. Long, but worth a look.

Zionism and other Marginal Thoughts

6/03/2005 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to distinguish between religious Zionism (a belief of people of the Jewish Faith in the reestablishment of Israel AFTER the arrival of the Messiah) and political Zionism. Many religious Zionists, such as ultra Orthodox Jews, reject political Zionism altogether. Political Zionism was invented in the 19th century as the flip side of the German extreme nationalism of the time - an imitative Jewish secular nationalism. It brought about the establishment of what is now the last surviving European colony in the Middle East. Like the equally artificial Crusader States of some 900 years ago, sooner or later it will be gobbled up...

6/03/2005 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'The' holocaust I now always refer to as the Hollywood holocaust, trains with Jews with suitcases arriving on the Auschwitz railway station, the majority dead by poison gas within an hour, just because of some madman who hated Jews just for being Jews.

My idea is that reality was quite different.
Not liking Jews was quite common, in E Europe.
With us in the Netherlands there was not much dislike of Jews, we had Sephardic Jews.
The Jews that were hated were the Asjkenazi Jews in E Europe.
Sephardic Jews came from Spain and Portugal.

Both Russian and Germany wanted to get rid of their Jews, Poland and Lithuania also were not sorry when their Jews were gone, if they hated them so much they wanted them killed I do not know.

Jews declared war on Germany in 1933, speech by Samuel Untermeyer, a USA Jew, in Amsterdam.

Until Britain declared war on Germany in Sept 1939 the German plans still were what Zionists now call 'transfer', deportation.
Weizmann, the top Zionist at the time, refused the 1939 German offer that emigrating Jews could take the value of all their German possessions with them.
Weizmann did not want Jews to go anywhere but Palestine.

With the British declaration of war on Germany transfer overseas of course became impossible.

The deportation of Jews into concentration camps was AFTER Roosevelt made the war a world war by forcing Japan, oil boycott, to attack Pearl Harbor.

I still am not convinced that the deportations that began in early 1942, after the Wannsee Conference, that was just six weeks after Pearl Harbor, had as ultimate goal the killing of all Jews.

Either this killing began after Churchill and Roosevelt had made clear they wanted the complete destruction of Germany, or the Jews died from the lack of food that also German civilians suffered from, partly through the allied bombings of the German civil population.

6/04/2005 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the point of my contribution above (hereafter I shall employ the name Arminius) is that at the moment everyone opposed to political Zionism (= the expansionist politics of the State of Israel)is accused of being anti-semitic. In which case, ultra-Orthodox Jews are also anti-semitic...

6/04/2005 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Techniques to "change" debate....might be a better title.

Don't let them do it...every time you respond to or even acknowledge the anti-semite slur as anything but ridiculous you feed the monster and allow them to continue to detract from the real issue of a foreign government's agents of influence on and in the US.

I think the facts are on our side in our complaint about the Israeli factor in the US. If you just present the facts and ignore the anti -semite hurlers they will soon spin themselves into such illogical fury that no one will have to point out the obvious.

I might point out also that our politicans are spinning themselves into such outlandish defense of their own Israeli ties that they have gone beyond obvious.

Cleaning the Israelis and the politicans who support them out of our own government, stopping our support of Israel's occupation of Palestine and creating a common sense US foreign policy for the Mid East is what this is about.

Frankly I sense that the anti-semite slur regarding critism of Israel has lost it's sting lately..too many actual facts are making their way out for it to cover them.

6/04/2005 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"'The' holocaust I now always refer to as the Hollywood holocaust, trains with Jews with suitcases arriving on the Auschwitz railway station, the majority dead by poison gas within an hour, just because of some madman who hated Jews just for being Jews.

My idea is that reality was quite different."

Let me guess. But you're not antisemitic, you're just anti-Zionist.

6/05/2005 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any indication that he's anti-semitic. I've also lost my faith in the official version of the holocaust, i.e. that the Nazis had a plan to exterminate Jews en masse. The facts just don't support it. Very few people who actually take the time to examine revisionist work are able to keep their faith in the holocaust myth.

6/05/2005 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon said:

"Cleaning the Israelis and the politicans who support them out of our own government..."

To accomplish this you will have to pay with a million dead americans for every single letter in that phrase. The number of blank spaces is the number of times americans will ask for peace talks and be refused. The number of words is the number of decades before political self-determination is restored.

Unfortunately, what you wish is far more easier said than done.

6/05/2005 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The mainstream press was trying to figure out how to describe this new group called "neocons" that was so intent on a war. Voices from both the far left and right pointed out that one rather obvious characteristic was that they were almost all 1. Jewish, 2. possessors of a strong emotional attachment to Israel, and 3. rabidly Zionist in a Likudnik fashion."

Except for a few "exceptions" such as George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, and Condoleeza Rice. What's more important are Deputy Secretaries and heads of advisory boards.

6/06/2005 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, David!

6/06/2005 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose this is just more "Hollywood Holocaust" propaganda from a scheming Zionist...

6/09/2005 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That women probably saw a decontamination process taking place at the sauna which was right next to the part of the camp she was working in (Kanada).
Ever since the late 1800s people have been mistaking delousing proceedures for murder. Combine this with the propaganda being circulated by the Polish Underground in the camps and the similar propaganda being dropped in leaflet form over the camps by the British and you have future witnesses to an extermination that never happened.

There is not one shred of evidence for homicidal gassings, only a handful of documents taken out of context, confessions made under duress (which converge with the early versions of the myth rather than what is believed by conformist historians today) and eyewitness testimony which is extremely unreliable in nature.

Some further reading:

I'm a liberal/libertarian and have no desire to live under a national socialist government. It would suit me fine to have germans as villains and to believe everything I grew up being told, but I'm too logical and rational to believe in the myths any longer.

6/11/2005 03:53:00 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

The point is not what exactly took place during the Holocaust, it is that the Holocaust should not be a debating point when it comes to US policies in the Mideast. There is no connection, or there should not be a connection at least.

6/14/2005 12:05:00 PM  

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