Friday, February 22, 2008

Hayden on Berman

Howard Berman is replacing Tom Lantos as head of the foreign affairs committee in The House. Here is an interesting statement from Tom Hayden about Michael Berman, Howard's Brother.

Twenty-five years ago I stared into the eyes of Michael Berman, chief operative for his congressman-brother, Howard Berman. I was a neophyte running for the California Assembly in a district that the Bermans claimed belonged to them.

I represent the Israeli defense forces,” Michael said. I thought he was joking. He wasn’t. Michael seemed to imagine himself the gatekeeper protecting Los Angeles’ Westside for Israel’s political interests, and those of the famous Berman-Waxman machine. Since Jews represented one-third of the Democratic district’s primary voters, Berman held a balance of power.

From the frying pan into the fire.


Additional about Mearsheimer/Walt at the following URL: